วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Print Your Own Prayer Cards

The Funeral Program Site is a good resource for funeral program layout and
purchasing beautiful funeral programs and printable prayer cards.

A funeral prayer card is an exceptional way of of furthering remembrance
for the deceased.

A photograph of the deceased, the date of birth, and date of death are
included on the front of a printable prayer card. Titles for a printable
prayer card may display "In Loving Memory of..." or "Forever in Our
Hearts." A short prayer or poem is included on the back of the prayer

The size of a business card is convenient and can easily be stored in a
purse or wallet.

Prayers from the book of Psalms, Catholic liturgy, or one coming from your
own thoughts can be written on the back of the printable prayer cards. A
prayer may be more personal and thoughtful should it be constructed by a
family member of the deceased. Though you may find printable prayer cards
on the web, shipment is time costly, and often an ineffective method of
delivering the prayer card punctually in the time crunch before a funeral.
Why pay for a rush deliver when there exists another solution that is much
more cost effective?

A printable funeral prayer card template is the best way to go. You may
print as many as you please, with no fee or shipment time constraint. The
template can also be used multiple times. As well as convenient, these
cards can be customized within minutes.

Because planning a funeral is a complex and arduous process, you will save
a significant amount of money, time, and stress with a predesigned
template. Furthermore, you have the ability to completely customize the
printable funeral prayer card.

Predesigned prayer cards as well as a wealth of other funeral-related
materials and resources, visit the Funeral Program Site.

Along with prayer cards, this website has a wonderful array of
customizable programs that may be used during a funeral service.

For great Funeral Programs and designs, visit The Funeral Program Site
where you will find information and Funeral Program Templates that can
assist you in the details of the funeral or memorial service.

Among a few attributes of this site are tips, details, poems, readings,
verses, and more ideas relevant to organizing a funeral program.

Printable Tattoo Designs Can Save You Time and Money

In this day and age, a lot of people are too busy with almost everything
that it can be challenging to fit it all in their schedule! For those who
have hobbies, like tattoos, it can be difficult to find time to go after
pursuits. It causes us wonder how we ever survived in those years before
the internet ever came around!

Getting permission to printable tattoo illustrations on the web can
preserve time and money both. This is because individuals can acquire
printable copies of tattoo designs. Some come with stencils of the main
outline of designs. Both are obviously great illustratons that may be
printed out at home and shown to a tattoo artist so that clients may
receive precisely what they desire.

Saving Time
Before the net came about, those looking for tattoo designs and ideas
genuinely didn't have all that many choices. Sometimes they visited local
shops or looked over the designs featured in tattoo books, it was really
hard for some individuals to find the best tattoo designs.

Printable designs off the internet can save a lot of time, because you'll
have special access to a large amount of tattoo ideas at once. Instead of
trying to get your idea to the artist by yourself, you can print the
pictures that you want and present those to the artist instead.

Saving Money
While there might be costs for printer and ink, they're not all that
expensive at all, especially when equated with the time it'd probably take
to pay your artist to set about starting on your project from scratch.
Still then, they still might not be exactly what you wish. By utilizing
printable projects, you can ensure that they understand exactly what it is
you desire as well as how to put it on correctly. Communicating is highly
crucial between the artist and client---especially when it relates to
tattoos. The more clearly you are able to get your ideas across, the
greater the tattoo will be.

A great tattoo artist will be able to take your printed illustrations and
transform all of it on to your body. You are nonetheless permitting the
artist use art, but instead of paying them to chalk out all your ideas
from scratch, you will give them something to start out with. You should
be able to save a great deal of money depending on the tattoo artist's
hourly rates. If you are fortunate, you can even save plenty of money to
buy another tattoo!

วันจันทร์ที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Download Games For Wii Cheap

Game titles, long the black sheep of the overall Wii set-up has finally
come into its own. Between the Wii Fit and Wii Play, they already lead the
field of best-selling video games by streets so early into the season. For
the record, Mario Kart and Wii Fit, both from the Wii stables were the top
two best-sellers respectively in 2008. Taking cue of the shift to console
games from those for handheld devices, Games For Wii appear poised for
boom town.

With the bulls out in force chomping on the bit for Nintendo Wii games, it
seems like the perfect setting for Nintendo to lock down its exploding
fan-base through a price revision of the games. After all, the power of
price appeal has been proven over and over again, not least by its own Wii
console. Its competitive buy-in cost is in no small way a reason for the
Wii success story for sure.

The Wii is made for across-the-board gamers. For every man, woman and
child, there is a game to play. Skill, thrill, fitness, brains, anything,
it caters to all age groups too. Not unlike the television onto which it's
wired, the Wii is fast becoming a standard household item. So in order for
it to essentially serve its purpose, the price of Wii games must be
affordable and acceptable by the entire audience, not just the hard-core

Something is out-of-sync about Wii games. The average gamer purchases less
than 4 games a year, a far cry from what can be reasonably expected given
the current rage of Wii video-gaming. If what's seen or heard in forums is
anything to go by, the biggest stumbling block is price, outright! As
such, a price takedown for Wii games by Nintendo must be in order as soon
as possible lest the Wii customers get all hijacked away.

True to form, independent Wii Download service providers have seized the
opportunities big time. They wise up to customer demand and charge less
and less as they sell more and more. For a single sign-on fee of less than
the price of a disk that Nintendo physically retails at its outlets,
subscribers can Download Games for Wii free of charge for a lifetime
complete with all necessary software and 24/7 technical support and
services. And that's just for starters.

Gamers will find a way to get their fix, one way or another. They also
want a real good bang for their buck ala cheap Wii Games For Sale.
Nintendo just must slug it out, starting with price. Copyrights
infringement lawsuits are have no place in the matter either. These
3rd-party providers do stretch the OB markers but they still toe the legal
line. If the heat is too much, people can get out of the kitchen. Trouble
is: Nintendo owns the kitchen!

What’s Wrong With Playing Video Games?

There was a time in my life when I didn't care for video games at all. I
had to have the radio on whether I was cleaning or doing a jigsaw puzzle
and if anyone (I called them the gamers) wanted to play a game in the
living room, they had to do it with the sound off. I didn't even like to
hear the sound of them. (Even now I prefer the volume on the low side)
They would ask me why I thought there was something wrong with playing
video games. I just couldn't understand how they could sit there and play
for hours. How they must have loved when I was at work. I laugh at this
now and they sure won't let me live it down.

One day I came home from work and "the gamers" were playing Need for
Speed: Hot Pursuit. I decided that I would try it and once I learned how
to use the controller I was hooked. I went from that game to Gran Turismo
2. One time I played for 16 hours straight. Time sure flies when you're
having fun.

I tried playing some of the golf games and I enjoyed the ones that are
easy. Golden Tee and Hot Shots are my favorites. I did enjoy playing
Mario Golf on the Gamecube, although I only had the chance to play it a
couple of times. (I am a Playstation person.) I find that most of the
other golf games are too hard for me.

One boring evening I decided to go out and rent a video game. While I was
in the store I came across The Legend of Dragoon. I hadn't tried playing
a role playing game yet and so I decided to try it. I didn't like the
fact that you had to fight so much so I fought as little as possible. I
beat the game (barely) and played it again right away. I did fight more
the second time around and beat the game again. It was so much fun that I
have been hooked on rpg's since and I've learned that the more you fight
the better.

When someone asks me why I like to play these types of games, I tell them
to think of it as watching a movie or reading a book and being part of it.
You play your part as best you can and slowly work your way to your

Recently I discovered that a friend of mine has The Legend of Dragoon and
so I borrowed it. I wanted to remember why I loved it so much. So, I am
now in the process of playing it again. Memories of my very first role
playing game, life is good. I must say that after playing on the pc, the
ps1 sure is slow, lol. I am still having loads of fun with it though.

Ten years have passed since I played my first rpg. Since then I have
played games such as: Wild Arms, Final Fantasy, Arc the Lad Twilight of
the Spirits, Suikedon 1-4 (with the exception of number three), Radiata
Stories, Shining Tears, Atelier Iris, etc… As you can see, I am addicted
to rpg's. My favorite would be Final Fantasy XI Online. Now that's a fun
game. Even the fighting is a ton of fun.

I also enjoy games like Burnout Revenge. I especially liked the road
rage. You can drive fast and be as wreckless as you want. It's great!
As mentioned earlier, I do like to play golf on occasion.

I have tried Grand Theft Auto and the only reason that I don't play it, is
I don't like to kill people. I tried to drive fast without hitting anyone
it just doesn't work. I don't mind killing monsters and such, but not
people. I did make some people laugh, though. I know it's just a game
and it still bothers me.

I cannot comment on sports games for the simple fact that I haven't tried
playing any. I have watched others play them, they just don't interest
me. Rpg's rule for me.

I do still listen to the radio just not as much as before and I don't play
video games as much as I would like to. I get to play 10-20 hours a week
and I enjoy every minute of it.

I must say that role playing games can be very addicting. Just don't
forget about your personal life and always make sure that your priorities
are in order. Now, If an individual gets out of bed in the morning, goes
straight for their game and 20 hours later they are still playing, and
they do this the majority of the time, then there might be a problem.

If you have the day off and everything is done that you needed to get
done, then I say, go ahead and play your game all night. There's nothing
wrong with that. Happy Gaming!

Planning your Dream Wedding Party

Every girl dream of their wedding and they want to make their dream true.
So it is very important to plan about your wedding from many days before
if you do not want any bad thing to happen that day.

Here are few points which you must consider before wedding parties planning:

The most important thing when you are planning for your wedding you should
be realistic. In other words you must be capable to determine all the
things especially your budget. There are many people who spend all there
savings on their wedding just to make their dream true and at the end
still unhappy.

But there is no need to spend all your savings to throw a great party
because your guests are there to give you blessings and just to have fun.
They will not notice your ornaments especially when you are in your room.
The best thing which you should have in your wedding ceremony is to enjoy
your special day with your close friends and family. There is no need to
make your wedding party very extravagant. You can hire a band which can
throw jokes and songs for your guests and you can also participate by
dancing or signing.

The most important thing which you must care for is the seating
arrangements. Make sure that your guests are comfortable with the seating
arrangements. If you want a perfect and organized wedding and also want to
save money then best option for you is to hire a best wedding party
planner. You can tell them about your dream wedding and they will know all
your needs.

Party planners will take care of all the things such as the reception,
wedding cake and even the food. Food is the most important part of wedding
parties planning. Always make sure that the food you offer to your guests
should be fresh and of high quality. You have to just sit and relax and
they will plan everything according to your given budget.

If you do not want to have stress of your wedding then it is good to hire
a planner. You have to just check the planner once a while to make sure
that everything is going smoothly or not.

You can also have a memorabilia for your guests so that they can remember
the party forever. They will thank you for gift and they will appreciate
the idea also. You should be always creative in your inflow of food and
for your guests to have real fun. And never forget to consider the kids
who are in your party.

Wedding party planner will throw a best party for you and that too in your
budget. Make your wedding a dream wedding by hiring a best wedding party

Movie Download Websites Rock!

The entertainment options available to you today, right from the comfort
of your own home, are at a massive all time high. Whether your interests
are in music, video games or movies you can access an unimaginable choice
of material using your broadband internet connection. The latest growth
phenomenon in this area is the 'movie download websites' which is as the
name suggests, allows online access to a wide range of current movies (and
TV shows) which you can download, burn and watch on your home cinema

At last there is a real alternative to DVD rental or purchase.

So how does it work?

Simple, you become a member of a movie download website of your choice
(our recommendation based on value money and choice is in the signature
footer of this article) and you sign up for the package that meets your
preferences. When you next want to catch up on the latest movie or a TV
show you've missed, you use your super fast broadband connection to pull
the movie to the hard drive of your computer (make sure you have enough
free space available). Now you can either view the movie on your computer
or burn it onto CD. Most movie download websites provide movies in the
DivX format. This format retains the quality of image while keeping file
sizes to the manageable minimum.

Here's a quick checklist you should go through before you sign up to any
movie download websites:

-What format are the movies in? Is the format compatible with your DVD
player? If I were you I would only sign up if the movies are in DivX
format, otherwise you are going to spend a long time downloading the files
through your broadband connection.

-Does the site allow you to burn the movie onto CD (not DVD they're much
more expensive than CDs and you need a DVD burner rather than the standard
CD burner that most computers have).

-Does your site guarantee picture quality…the last thing you want is to be
watching your movie through a thick snow storm where you can hardly make
out the images.

-Are the movies provided legally with the full knowledge and approval of
the studios?

-Finally remember "there's no such thing as a free lunch" if the offer on
your movie download website looks too good to be true…it probably is.

Take advantage of this growing opportunity to sample movies you would
probably never rent or buy, in the comfort of your own home at minimal
costs. Don't rent another movie until you've checked out your movie
download options.

Happy viewing!


WoW Gold Guide - 3 Things to Look For in a WoW Gold Guide

What's the point of playing World of Warcraft if you stink at stacking up
gold? I already know how you feel about that, so let's move on. Fact of
the matter is, without a good cheap WoW gold guide you'll be left out in
the cold or like the endless lines of "suckers" out there who are still
paying for gold. So what should you look for in a WoW gold guide? Read on
to find out.

First thing to look for: if you don't even know of any gold guides to
check out yet, don't worry, we'll cover that soon. But, once you get a
list of gold guides you're interested in (and trust me, there are
plenty)-go and look for reviews or look around message boards to see if
anyone can tell you if it's worth the cash.

Second thing to look for: is this guide getting results? Is it something
you can use? WoW players are usually at different levels of
"experience"-i.e., some people are total newbies and others are pros, so
will the guide be easy to implement and get going? This is something you
want to keep in mind before you take the dive and grab a wow gold guide.

Third thing to look for: is it a print version of the book or a digital
guide? A lot of people like paying for something and receiving something
physical, but a digital guide is actually better most of the time. Do you
really want to go buy warcraft gold and find a book you can lose, thumb to
a certain page, spend time reading it, spend time putting it away when you
could just keep the digital guide open and alt + tab to it whenever you
need it? Everyone is different, so think about what you need.

If you don't want to spend all day looking to buy wow gold guide, I
already found it for you. Me and my friends have used this guide since the
very start and it's well worth the money and I highly recommend it (as a
fellow WoW player!) Go here to check it out: http://www.wowgolds.org

The Tools of the Trade

As a fighter, the tools you will use in your craft will be simple;
weapons, armor, and food. Of course, you don't need all of those things,
or even any of them. You can become a pretty effective fighter just by
kicking, punching, or bashing your way through the world of Runescape, all
the while wearing no more armor than the clothes your character of your
runescape accounts started with. Of course, you won't last very long
against most monsters, and you will die a lot, but it can be done.
Most people don't go this route. For obvious reasons (Not the least of
which is that it's far more fun) most of us want the armor, the weapons,
the helmets, the amulets… all the cool stuff we can get by runescape gold,
Great. We want these things. If you have lot of runescape money, you can
buy it. Unfortunately, we can't use them all. And even if we limit
ourselves to the ones we can use, there are still lots of choices. Do you
want to use a scimitar? A war hammer? A long sword? Which one does more
damage? Which one is faster? Which one is best against skeletons, or
wizards, or giants? And what about armor. What should you use? Plate
armor? Ahain mail? Leather? Nothing? Which is best? Why?
A lengthy discussion of the benefits of each individual type of weapon and
armor isn't found in this guide because it wouldn't be all that helpful
anyway. (If you are interested in the statistics and benefits of each
piece of armor or each type of weapon, You can come runescape guide to
find our your answer! It provides all the necessary stats.)
you will be told the weapons and armor to use, and when to use it. You can
choose your own, of course, but to make things quicker, this guide chooses
for you account. Let's get started with some basics. One of the main
screens you need to be aware of when you train your melee combat is the
combat screen.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Three Red Lights on Xbox 360 How to Fix It

Well, what exactly should you do when your Xbox 360 takes a crap and
croaks on you? What do you do after the initial shocks gone and you're
left to deal with three red lights on Xbox 360? The response? Do not freak
out. Till now, the three red lights on Xbox 360 were a symptom that your
Xbox 360 is terminated and that your video playing days are done with.

That's because of all of the systems known to fix this hardware problem
the three red lights on Xbox 360 signal were useless. You don't wish to
mail your game console to Microsoft, correct? Not considering it costs
upwards of $140, and essentially not when you consider it will be while 8
weeks before it is shipped back to you.

No, that's clearly not the solution to training your console of the three
red lights on Xbox 360. You don't wish to destroy the exterior of your
Microsoft Xbox yourself, do you? When your inside, the typical remedies
require you to pull your soldering set out and perform the task that
probably gifted pros ought to be completing. Your Xbox is a complicated
piece of hardware, after all.

It is not a lawnmower! All this leaves you with are the apologue repairs,
and the urban legends. Wrap your 360 in a towel that will squash the three
red lights on Xbox 360, correct? Get the game console to 40 5 degrees and
put the power supply vertically won't fail to cure the three red lights,
right? These moronic repairs are just as ludicrous as they appear.

And you're still doomed to be stuck with those three red lights on Xbox
360. Unwind, though.

Nowadays there is an easy, fast resolution when you fall into three red
lights on Xbox 360. This fixes coming at last from technical pros who
understand the interior works of the Xbox 360 to a greater degree than
anybody else does. These pros have worked on heaps of Microsoft Xbox's
with those three red lights burning, and each time they have utilized this
simple resolution to get the Microsoft Xbox running again in less than 2

Truthfully, they ensure their method will mend three red lights on Xbox
360 inside two hours!

You can utilise their product with total trust. They offer full client
support, from actual people. They have detailed video recording help
instructions that will steer you thru every step of the straightforward
procedure. This guarantee is worth deliberating again : you will be
playing again on your Xbox 360 in less than two hours.

Those three red lights on Xbox 360 will be a dim memory.

To discover this simple solutionfor yourself, and to return to playing on
your Xbox 360 again in less than two hours, check out the Microsoft Xbox
360 Red Light Fix professional Gamer Repair.

Xbox 360 No Video Fix
Three Red Lights Xbox 360
My Xbox 360 Keeps Freezing

Recipe of Marinated Shrimp

Requirements of the recipe

a) Olive oil- ten tablespoons

1. b) Uncooked shrimp- one and a half. The shrimp should be properly
peeled & deveined.

c) Lemon juice- three tablespoons

d) Dijon mustard- two tablespoons

e) Fresh dill (chopped) – two tablespoons

f) garlic- two cloves.

g) Lemon peel (grated) – one tablespoon

H) drained capers- one fourth cup

i) Green onions- two

k) lettuce- one bunch

l) lemon- one

m) Dill sprigs

Nutrition Info

Nutrient value of the dish

Calorie content: 231 kilocalorie

Carbohydrate content: 3 grams

Fiber content: 1 gram

Fat content: 18 grams

Protein content: 14 grams

sugar content: 0 grams

How to cook this dish

a) Firstly Heat around two tablespoons of oil over a medium flame. Oil
must be heated in a large vessel or one may say a large skillet.

b) Now season the shrimp with a little quantity of pepper and salt. After
seasoning of the shrimp put it into the skillet. Fry the shrimp for around
three minutes. The shrimp must be fried only till the center, after that
transfer the shrimp to the plate.

c) Now mix lemon juice, Dijon mustard, fresh dill (chopped) garlic- two
cloves. Lemon peel (grated) and drained capers in a large mixing bowl. Now
mix all the above ingredients into oil. Oil is used basically for the
seasoning of the dish, after that add pepper and salt.

d) Next mix the above prepared mixture to the cooked shrimp. Now to it add
juices, green onions and capers. Keep the dish to cool down a little.

e) After the dish cools down cover the dish. Now keep the dish in the
refrigerator for at least three hours. One can refrigerate for up to
twenty four hours.

f) Arrange a few lettuce leaves on around eight plates. Place the shrimp
and then garnish it.

How to Make a Fresh Vegetable Lasagna that is Diabetic Friendly

If you don't like meat or you are just trying to cut back on the meat in
your diet, here is a fresh vegetable lasagna for you. One of the key
words here, is fresh. You will notice this recipe does not use canned
vegetables. And this recipe is okay for diabetics, too, since it has a
great protein to carb ratio.


8-oz uncooked lasagna noodles

1 pkg (10-oz) frozen chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed dry

1 cup shredded carrots

1/2 cup sliced green onions

1/2 cup sliced green bell pepper

1/4 cup chopped parsley

1/2 tsp black pepper

1 1/2 cups 1% lowfat cottage cheese

1 cup buttermilk

1/2 cup plain nonfat yogurt

2 egg whites

1 cup fresh sliced mushrooms

1 can (14-oz) artichoke hearts, drained and chopped

2 cups (8-oz) shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese

1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese

Cook noodles according to the package directions, omitting salt. Drain.
Rinse under cold water until cool; drain well. Set aside.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Combine spinach, carrots, green onions, bell
pepper, parsley, and black pepper in a large bowl. Set aside.

Combine cottage cheese, buttermilk, yogurt, and egg whites in a food
processor or blender and process until smooth.

Spray a 9 x 13-inch baking pan with nonstick cooking spray. Arrange 1/3
of the noodles in the bottom of the pan. Spread with half each of cottage
cheese mixture, spinach mixture, mushrooms, artichokes, and mozzarella
cheese. Repeat layers ending with lasagna noodles on top. Sprinkle
Parmesan cheese over the top. Cover and bake for 30 minutes. Remove the
cover and continue baking 20 minutes or until bubbling and heated through.
Let stand 10 minutes before cutting to serve.

Yield: 8 servings. Per serving: 250 calories, 26 g carbs, 22 g protein

The protein to carb ratio makes this a good diabetic pasta dish,
especially for those diabetics who don't like meat.


Brahama Yoga in Hindu Astrology

The origin of Universe is attributed to Brahama -Vishnu and Mahesh. Though
Lord Shiva (Mahesh) is also referred to as the Creator, Protector and

Astrology the Vedic science, has also given rise to three Yogas Brahama
Yoga, Vishnu Yoga and Shiva Yoga. All the three Yogas are discussed below:

Constituents: If Jupiter and Venus are in angles (kendreas respectively
from the lord of the 9th and 11th and the Mercury is in a similar position
from the lord of either lagna or the 10th, Brahma Yoga is caused.

Fruits: The person born with Brahma Yoga is conferred with highly
beneficial results implying that the native would command health, wealth,
fame and above all instincts for social service (serving others). From the
constructions it is seen that all beneficial planets are involved. As the
classics say, such native enjoy luxurious foods and are respected by
Brahmins and taught men (Present-day VIP). The native himself is highly
learned and long lived. With charitable disposition, the native does good

Our View: It has been seen that this Yoga does not come in operation for
certain Lagans and in some cases the laid down conditions are not

i) For Aries born natives, this yoga cannot be deemed
to be formed in all its aspects in as much as lord of the
9th is Jupiter and Jupiter's disposition in an angle
(Kendra) from the 9th Lord is entirely ruled out.

ii) For Cancer born natives, two conditions of this yoga
would be absent as lords of 9th and 11th respectively become
Jupiter and Venus.

iii) For Virgo or Sagittarius born natives, the yoga
cannot be full because in regard to Virgo, Mercury become lord
of the 10th while in regard to Sagittarius, Mercury and Venus
becomes the lords of the 10th and 11th is not possible.

iv) As a clarification it can be stated with regard to
Sagittarius born natives that in place of 10th Lord, Lagna Lord
may be considered.

Summing up. It can be said that Brahma Yoga is possible in respect of all
the signs except Aries, Cancer and Virgo. But partial Brahma Yoga had
been noted to give full/partial results i.e. if four combinations are
needed to form a yoga, then the presence of tow three combination may
suffice. Braham yoga is present with slight modification in his chart. It
may be noted that Jupiter is in a Kendra from the lord of the 9th i.e.
Venus. Venus is in Kendra from the lord of the 11th i.e. the Moon. Since
Lagna is Virgo one defect would remains.

วันเสาร์ที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Wow account---World of Warcraft Patch 3.2 Rogue Guide

Do you have any wow accounts you don't need? I am seeking for some wow
accounts. If you are interested in trading with me, leave me message here.

As I've been saying for quite some time, Rogues are in a pretty good
place in WoW right now. We're competitive in the arena and battleground
scene, and our PvE DPS is definitely at the level we should expect as a
pure DPS class. With the upcoming nerfs to some of our biggest rivals
(Feral Druids in particular), Patch 3.2 will simply be more of the same
for the Rogue class.

We've got 3 viable specs for PvE progression (though HaT is underused),
and Combat has seen a rebirth in the 3v3 and 5v5 brackets via the potency
of Fan of Knives, Blade Flurry, and Killing Spree for AoE pressure and
massive application of poisons to all targets. The only real change
coming in 3.2 will be our new capacity for wielding Axes. I don't know
about you, but I've already got two Axes enchanted and ready to go!

More than any other class, I think, Paladins underwent significant
changes in Patch 3.2. There were changes across all three specs that
palpably impact gameplay and challenge players to take a different
approach to the way they play their class. I went through most of the
changes in detail in an older post, and many of those initial thoughts
still hold true, albeit tempered with some experience on the PTR and
changes over the past weeks.

There are buffs and there are nerfs, but the main thing to keep in mind
is that this is Blizzard's constant balancing act. As the game
progresses, I feel that they're finally honing in to the proper vision
for the class. We won't go through all the changes here, but we'll break
them down according to what impacts the class in general and according to
spec. Let's bathe in the Light after the break...

Know more wow account guide will help you a lot. So you have to learn as
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My Screen Keeps Freezing Up While I'm Playing on My Xbox - Why Does it Do and How Can I Stop It

If your Xbox 360 keeps freezing up, then read on to find out why. You will
know you have this problem if you are playing along quite happily and the
screen suddenly freezes, giving you no error message and no response from
the game pad.

You need to switch off your system at the power button and then switch it
on again, and this should solve the problem, for now. But what makes this

This freezing problem is caused by excess heat building up inside your
system and the heat causes the motherboard to bend slightly. You may put
your hand on top of your console and it might not feel that hot, but there
is a lot of heat being produced in there and only one small heat sink and
a couple of fans to deal with it all. Needless to say, they can't handle
it, so the motherboard warps in the heat, the soldering that keeps
everything connected snaps off and your screen completely freezes up.

So what can you do to repair this problem?

A good place to start is to get the power brick off the floor so that it
is better ventilated and doesn't overheat. You can also get a fan which
plugs into the back of your Xbox 360 and helps to keep it cooler. However,
if your screen keeps freezing up you will eventually get another error,
usually the dreaded three flashing red lights.

At this point it is a very good idea to find an Xbox 360 repair guide that
will walk you through the process of fixing your system so as to prevent
the buildup of excessive heat and therefore preventing future freeze ups.

Is Your XBox360 In Need Of Repair, But You Don't Know Where To Turn? This
Tried And Trusted Review Site Will Provide You With The Best XBox 360
Repair Guides on How to repair a Xbox 360 Online Today So That You Can
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Why streaming video on blogs is popular

One may have noticed that recently it became very popular for individuals
to post streaming videos on their blogs or online journals. Some people
may have asked themselves why streaming video on blogs is popular, and the
answer to this can be fairly in depth. First of all, the purpose of a
blog is to share information with one's self or others. Most people that
are going to be using a computer are fairly literate, but in some cases
the individuals are not. When they come to a blog, they can get some of
the information from the video and still be able to have a more dependable
grasp on the concept, as opposed to not being able to view the video or
read the blog. Secondly, many people do not have time during their busy
day to commit to reading. It is not very easy to read something, and
perform other actions at the same time.

However, many people will notice that we are able to watch television and
do other things at the same time. The same is true when it comes to
viewing streaming videos on blogs. Whether the individual is just doing
other things on the computer, or they are actually away from the computer
but watching the video as if it were the television, the individual that
is doing the viewing is able to multi-task in a way that they would be
unable to do without the video on the blog. This simply helps to smooth
out a person's life so that they can do other things at the same time,
should the individual be in a hurry or want to multi-task.

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Some people do not read as fast as others. However, we all view things at
the same speed. When an individual is not able to read something quickly,
they may not be as inclined to work on reading a blog that they may
otherwise be interested in reading. In order to make up for this, many
people will post streaming videos on their blog sites in order to capture
the attention of an individual that may be either viewing the videos on
the blog or reading the blog itself. If a person sees a video that they
are interested in, they may be more likely to read the blog that coincides
with it, even if they are a slow reader, because of the fact that they
enjoyed the video. However, this may not be as true of the individual
that does not have a video to help pull them in to the blog itself.

Instead, a person may merely skim the blog or skip it entirely. We are in
an age of constantly moving, and unless a person makes a conscious effort
to stop and observe something, they are not as inclined to do so. When
people wonder why streaming video on blogs is popular, they really only
need to look at the many ways in which the individuals involved are able
to prosper both by viewing the video and by posting the video.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 7 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Recipe for Potato Gratin

Requirements of the recipe:

a) Russet potatoes- three potatoes. The potatoes should be properly peeled
off. Then they should be cut into round pieces. The pieces should be round
in shape
b) crème fraiche- one and a half cup. The crème should be stirred well so
that it gets really loose.
c) Gruyere cheese (grated) – one and a half cup
d) Italian parsley (chopped) – two cups

Nutrition Info

Nutrient content of the recipe

Calorie content: 371 kilocalorie

Carbohydrate content: 32 grams

Fiber content: 4 grams

Fat content: 23 grams

Protein content: 10 grams

Sugar content: 3 grams

How to cook potato gratin:

a) First step in cooking this dish is to preheat the oven. The oven should
be preheated at around four hundred degree Fahrenheit.

b) Now grease a baking dish. The dimensions to be selected for the dish
are thirteen inches into nine inches into two inches. Greasing should be
done properly. Now arrange the potato slices in the dish. Use only half of
the slices. Now add pepper & salt to the slices. Now spread of crème
fraiche o the dish and then cover whole of the dish with grated cheese.

c) Now again make a layer again. That is to say layer the remaining
potatoes and the crème and the remaining cheese. The dish is now ready to
be baked. The dish should be firstly baked for around thirty minutes. The
dish should be cooked uncovered.

d) After some time reduce the temperature of the oven to around fifty
degrees lesser. That is to say reduce the temperature to 350 degree
Fahrenheit. Now again cook it for around forty five minutes. The
indication that the dish is cooked is the softening of the potatoes and
the potatoes turning brown. After taken them out from the oven keep it
aside for around ten minutes.

e) Sprinkle parsley on the dish and then serve it.

How to import MOD files into FCE(Final Cut Express)?

Welcome to this free guide series, this time we are going to discuss how
to import .mod files into FCE (Final Cut Express).

Need to play back and edit .MOD video files with FCE? If you have just got
a new camcorder and are killing yourself to understand how to read,
convert and import .MOD video files into FCE (Final Cut Express), I think
I have got some solutions for you.
MOD format files.

After long time working with JVC Everio, I decided to get myself a new
small little jewel of a camcorder on my birthday last month, the Canon
FS-100. the Canon FS and HF series, alongside some other existing video
cameras, including the JVC Everio I mentioned above, and the Panasonic
D-Snap SD-card camcorders, suffer from a frustrating disease: difficult to
import .MOD into FCE and incompatible .MOD files with many video editing

The Canon FS, JVC Everio and Panasonic D-snap series creates video files
with a .MOD extension. MOD video files are nothing but MPEG-2 files with
AC3 audio. Apparently, and I have tested this out personally, .MOD files
can be easily renamed into .AVI or .MPG files and can then be read easily
by most video editing or playback tools.

FCE (Final Cut Express) is designed as a capable non-linear editing system
for people who are working with one of the three popular consumer video
formats, DV, HDV, and AVCHD. Final Cut Express also allows importing video
files compatible with iMovie 08.

Although both AVI and MPG are popular windows formats, they are just not
as popular as QuickTime .mov on Mac. Simply rename .mod into .avi or .mpg
makes no difference if you want to import mod files to FCE, it just can¡¯t
work. Arriving at this point, according to experience, the most practical
way is to convert .mod to .DV, MPEG-4 or MOV file that compatible with
both FCE and iMovie.

Indeed, though sounds like simple, you can¡¯t afford to miss a few key
points to make sure the whole process to work smoothly. I have taken the
time to put together this simple mini-guide on how to import .MOD files
into FCE, or import .MOD to standard compatible video files that can be
read and edited by Final Cut Express.

To resolve this situation, here is what you need to do:Mac users will need
in fact to purchase, albeit at a small price, something that will allow
them to read properly native MPEG-2 video files. I have a great solution
on this front after many comparison and test.

Mac users can take advantage of Video Converter for Mac software which
will convert the original .MOD files to just about any video file format
you may want. In the case to import MOD video to FCE, we need to convert
.mod to DV or MPEG-4 formats. For top video quality and best out effect,
video converter for Mac provides powerful yet simple-to-use video editing
tool, you can tweak Resolution, bit rate, frame rate, contrast saturation
and brightness, etc.

If you got many .mod files converted at one time, the program allows you
to merge them into one file. If you need to only rip audio from video,
fine, you can rip the audio and save them as different format like mp3,
AAC or FLAC, etc as you like. Besides that, you can also take still images
form MOD video clips using video converter for Mac.

On a positive note, for those wanting to simply upload their .MOD video
files to a video sharing site, Google Video accepts .MOD files directly
for upload and publication, without the need to convert the files into any
other format.


How to Fix the Xbox 360 3 Red Lights

Most avid gamers are fully aware of the infamous Red Ring of Death error
that presented itself to a great deal of Xbox 360 owners. Identified by
the sudden system failure and ominous set of three red lights on the
console, the Red Ring of Death is among the most notorious of system
errors to have plagued this console. For those who have fallen victim to
the devastating effects of this error, a number of different options were
available to fix the problem.

The most common, and oftentimes most frustrating, solution was to send the
entire console off to Microsoft. There were many downfalls with this
option, though. For the first few years after the console's release, this
error was not covered under warranty. When plagued by the numerous class
action lawsuits, however, Microsoft finally agreed to cover the error and
its effects under its three year warranty plan. So not only could you
potentially have to pay for them to fix it, should your warranty have
already expired, but you are also responsible for the costly shipping and
handling fees to have it delivered to and from Microsoft. Another downside
was that the company was found to only treat the symptoms of the error,
and would simply replace certain parts and send it back to you, giving you
but a few months' time before the error came up again.

Another way to repair your Xbox 360 is to take it to someone in your area
who does modifications and repairs on these systems. While this does tend
to be much faster than sending it off to Microsoft, you will have to pay
someone to do the work, whereas Microsoft would do it for free. Also, by
having someone else attempt to fix your console, you void its warranty.
This means you lose the option of sending it off Microsoft for repair in
the future.

The other, most preferred option for repairing your Xbox 360 is to do it
yourself with kits that are available for order online. These kits come
with easy to follow instructions and all the materials needed to fix this
problem. With the step-by-step guide, most people find it a quick and easy
solution with most gamers able to repair their system in well under an

Whatever your choice, make sure you weigh the pros and cons of your
decision before attempting to permanently turn off those three red lights.

G.I. Joe The Rise Of Cobra Wii Game-A Lot Of Action

The Wii Really provides an excellent format for playing this game. Filled
with action just as with the movie, G.I. Joe The Rise of Cobra, brings to
life two of the 80s characters in this collaboration between the toy maker
Hasbro and Paramount pictures. Their first collaboration was Transformers
and that was such a big hit both on the big screen and in the gaming
community that they decided to give it a try again, hoping to produce
perhaps an even bigger hit than transformers.

Everyone is flocking to the theaters to see this action-packed movie with
lots of modern gadgets with a twist of humor that makes the film even a
bigger family hit. Now with the release of the movie to the big screen EA
games has released G.I. Joe The Rise of Cobra Wii Game, and honestly it is
full of action both in the hand to hand fighting sequences as well as in
the overall action of the characters. You can ride on top of vehicles and
jump from vehicle to vehicle all the time firing away while in pursuit of
your target.

As you would probably expect, G.I. Joe, together with his team have to
save us all from the Cobra team. On Joe's team there are 12 tough guys.
Duke and Gungo Ho are two of my personal favorites because I like the
weapons that they have to use. Each guy has different moves and weapons.
That helps you from getting bored really. Those bad Cobra guys are
wreaking all sorts of havoc and general chaos. They must be stopped.

The game also has its own unique storyline which varies somewhat from the
movie although the key moments from the film are still present. You have
the ability to unlock more Cobra players as you play which also makes the
game play more interesting and challenging. In two player mode you and a
friend can play together and can form your own G.I. Joe team and can
choose to call in select other players to help and support you.

This game is rated teen and is an exceptional game for all who play. The
graphics are great and there is a ton of action making this a game that
you will want to play for hours on end. It is a game that reels you in
and keeps you wanting more.


How is Yoga Helpful in Our Day to Day Life?

is a way of life which helps to control mind and helps in developing your
personality. Yoga helps in reducing physical, mental and emotional stress.
If you practice Yoga everyday it can certainly help to reduce your stress
in the office.

The physical development as well as psychological improvement can be
obtained by Yoga. The proportionate body structure can lead to increase
your confidence. The stability of mind, increase in the concentration of
the mind can be obtained with the help of Yoga.

In our day to day life a human being is undergoing through different kinds
of Stress. He is always in search of sailing the ship on the way of
happiness and peace of mind.

His real happiness lies within himself only. The stable mind and well
tuned body can give him a real joy which does not vanish like our
materialistic happiness. These things can be achieved through Yoga. Yoga
can control the working of mind. It also helps in reducing some physical
and mental disorders.

Actually anytime is suitable for practising yoga if your stomach is empty.
Considering our schedules, the time early in the morning is most suitable
for study. The evening time about 4 hours after lunch is also suitable for
practice, provided no additional food is taken in between. Yoga can be
practiced at all ages above twelve 12 years .It can be practiced at the
age of 80, years. But one should do only those asanas that are suitable to
one's physical conditions.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Help and information on rice cooker steamers

Rice cooker steamers are a way to make certain you and your family are
able to enjoy perfectly cooked rice each time. Straightforward to use and
easy to scrub, rice cooker steamers are a brilliant addition to your
kitchen. They can help in reducing wasted food and improve the quality of
the food you and your folks can share. There are a great many rice cooker
steamers to choose between on the market, so be sure you select the right
one for your special kitchen.

Rice cooker steamers gradually steam the rice so that it becomes fluffy
and just right - no more stodgy rice for you! Now, many types of rice
cooker steamers have a few various good features built into the design.
Many can now also cook veggies and also other food, meaning that they can
now be used more widely in the running of a good household kitchen.

With smooth designs and easy-to-use functionality that anyone can easily
learn the swing of, rice cooker steamers will help you have a fitter
variation of food in a simpler way. Steaming food keeps in the natural
nutrients, so steamed veggies are much more nicer and will be miles better
for you. It has never been less complicated to enjoy getting your 5
portions of fruits and veggies a day!

Some types of rice cooker steamers also include a 'keep warm' feature,
making certain your perfectly cooked rice (or whatever you have steamed in
your rice cooker steamers ) keep at the perfect temperature and prepared
for your folks to enjoy. You can also use rice cooker steamers for a
selection of dishes from all over the globe, further dilating the
selections of other foods that you can enjoy and share.

When trying to retaining moisture to prevent your rice drying out
absolutely, rice cooker steamers really are the most effective technique
to do this. You will find out the difference good rice cooker steamers can
bring to your day to day life. As well as the dietary advantages of well
cooked rice, you will find that these brilliant steamers also releive some
of the strain of every day life.

There is also other great features built in for each different type of
steamer, so take in to account what you need to use your rice cooker
steamers for and then make a comparison to the diverse products that are
out there and you can quickly see the perfect one for you. Rice cooker
steamers will help you have a healthy diet and grant you a well deserved
healthy lifestyle!


Spice Up Your Party with These Great-Tasting Homemade Salsa Recipes

As summer is almost over, a lot of students and other people alike are
taking advantage of the last summer days before school term begins. And
what better way to celebrate the end of the summer season than by throwing
a party?

Of course, you can serve the usual party staples such as potato and corn
chips and dips. You can opt for store-bought salsa as they are commonly
available and all you have to do is to put them in an attractive bowl.
But have you ever thought of making your own by using homemade salsa
recipes? By doing so, you can be sure that all the ingredients that you
use are very fresh and filled with vitamins and minerals. You can make
sure that the salsa you prepare is tweaked so, you can have the right
combination that you and your guests would be sure to enjoy. And at the
same time, they are way less expensive compared to buying salsa off the
shelf in supermarkets and grocery stores. Another great thing about
making your own salsa that you can serve in your parties is that you can
partner it with not just with chips but with fried or grilled meat that is
also a popular party dish that your guests would also love.

If you want to make your party sizzle even more, you can follow these
great homemade salsa recipes that I have included in this article. That
way, your guests would be able to enjoy themselves more not just by the
activities that you included in your bash but also by the food that you
serve to them. Some of your guests may even surprise you by asking for
your recipes.

Pineapple and Apricot Salsa

1 cup finely chopped peeled cored fresh pineapple
1/2 cup finely chopped red onion
1/2 cup apricot-pineapple preserves
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
1-1/2 tablespoons minced seeded jalapeño chili

Toss all ingredients in small bowl to blend. Season with salt and pepper.
Can be made one day ahead.

Red Onion Salsa

1 1/2 cup finely chopped red onion (about 2 med)
3/4 cup Finely chopped tomato (about 1 med)
1/4 cup chopped green onions (2-3 med)
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 Tbsp olive oil
2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tsp soy sauce
1/4 tsp ground red pepper
4 cloves garlic finely chopped

Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Cover and refrigerate at least 2 hours.

Makes about 2 cups salsa.

Ring of Fire

5 Chile Habaneros
4 Medium Hothouse Tomatoes
2 Garlic cloves, freshly ground
1 Teaspoon lime juice
4 Sprigs fresh cilantro
1/2 small white onion, finely chopped
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon olive oil

Roast tomatoes and peppers on open flame or in oven until soft.

In stone mocajete (or blender), coursely grind the tomatoes and peppers
and cilantro. Add onion, garlic, salt, lime juice and oil. Mix well, but
not too finely.

Now that you have some ideas as to what homemade salsa recipes to try, you
can serve them in your next party or even liven up a simple family meal.

Can You Really Meet Your Soul Mate Through a Telephone Medium?

Are romantic psychic readings real? One of the most common questions we
get are on the topic of love...and a gifted psychic's ability to "hook you
up" with the one you are destined to meet! But with so many skeptics and
cynics out there, trying to convince everyone it's actually possible is
silly....but if you are interested in meeting YOUR "other half", read on
as I answer some common questions.

Does a Psychic Really Know Who I'm Supposed to Meet?

It depends on who you believe. The good intuitive that I know and trust
will tell you that EVERYONE has some sort of romantic destiny, and that
tapping into that energy and visualizing that person is not too tough to
do if you're good. As a matter of fact, many good psychics will tell you
that YOU already know who that person is, and have a clear picture of what
they look like, smell like and where you'll meet them. The problem
is...your own intuition is buried so deeply in so many layers of "stuff",
that you're simply not sensitive enough to pick it up. This is where a
good intuitive can step in and simply extract and "un-pack" the
information that already is alive within in you.

But isn't finding all of this out expensive? Is having a romantic psychic
reading even worth it?

This always makes me laugh! Think about how much money we spend on "Mr and
Mrs Wrong"...the dinners, movies, drinks, vacations, gifts and otherwise.
A psychic reading, with a good and gifted psychic may cost you 25 or 30
dollars to discover what just MAY be your destiny, or at least make
finding him (or her) much, much faster! In my view...that's a really small
price to pay for that sort of insight, don't you agree? A good psychic is
like a GREAT investment - in your peace of mind, your enthusiasm and your
hope for a bigger, better and brighter future as well!

POP Quiz!

What is the Top Psychic Network for Cheap (but Super Accurate!) Online
Readings That WILL Blow Your Mind?

50 Cent: Blood on the Sand is a third-person video game developed by Swordfish Studios and available in Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. It is a sequel to

is a third-person video game
developed by Swordfish Studios and available in Playstation 3 and Xbox
360. It is a sequel to 50 Cent: Bulletproof that involves in fictional

According to the gamestory, 50 Cent and G-Unit play a concert and get
rigid by the promoter. Thinking to avoid Fiddy's anger, the promoter
offers them a priceless diamond encrusted skull. Everyone's happy until
the crew is attacked and the skull is stolen by the local crime-lord's
gang. From here, the action begins. 50 cent and his chosen G-Unit
companion travel the deadliest urban Middle Eastern landscape, shooting
countless goons while following one criminal figure after another.

This game features interactive counter-kills that allow the player to take
control of the finishing moves. The action is smooth and the controls are
easy to handle. During the course of the game, players have to keep
killing their enemies in order to earn their points, and killing them in
quick succession will get a multiplier going. Moreover, players can earn
bonus points by scoring a headshot or taunting their enemies after they
kill them. This game also comes packed with a soundtrack that combines 50
Cent's greatest hits with 18 exclusive new tracks that make a great
backcloth for the action as the player battles out his way.

This 50 Cent Blood on the Sanaction-paced gameplay with tight controls and
arcade-style scoring system forms a strong base and this game can be
better enjoyed in multi-player mode and the well-designed drop-in/drop-out
Co-operative mode is a solid addition.

Compare Price & Buy 50 Cent Blood on the Sand and other Newreleases in PS3

วันพุธที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Pokemon Trading Card Game Help

In the RuleBook it states..." On the first turn of the game, the starting
player cannot play any Trainer, Supporter or Stadium cards from his or her
hand, including Fossil Pokemon". Do you want to know how to get round that
rule? All you have to do is play Sableye from the Diamond and Pearl
Stormfront Set and use the attack "Impersonate"! You can then "Search your
deck for a Supporter Card and discard it. Shuffle your deck afterward.
Then use the effect of that card as the effect of this attack". Alot of
the time, people dont like to go first because, although you are ahead of
your opponent, you cannot play Supporter Cards which could effectively
help you win the game. So if you have Sableye in your hand, it would be
wise to offer to go first, many opponents would be happy to let you, and
then you are more likely to win, you will be surprised at how crucial this
method could be!

For those of you who are regular event participators, Pokemon Organized
Play has announced that no card sets will be rotated out of the Modified
Format this year. This means that sets including Diamond and Pearl,
Mysterious Treausres, Secret Wonders, Great Encounters, Majestic Dawn,
Legends Awakened, Stormfront, Platinum and Rising Rivals will still be ok
to play until September 2010! Please see Nintendo's Official Website for
the full list of sets.

For even more tricks to get round the rulebook please visit my Pokemon

Conference Calling Demystified

A teleconference is a telephonic conversation between two or more
individuals at different locations. Through conference call systems, all
the members can get involved simultaneously and can have a conversation
with the other members. How does teleconference work

Conferencing phone, easily available in the market. An organization has to
carefully analyze the available teleconference technology to decide on the
one that best suits their requirements. If an organization is unable to
buy the costly audio conferencing equipments, they can subscribe to the
teleconference facilities provided by various telecom operators.

Organizations availing teleconference facility are provided with a phone
number which every person, who wants to join the conference, will have to
dial from their conferencing phone. They are also provided with two unique
PIN numbers. One is for the moderators, organizers, special guests and the
other is for rest of the participants.

Most teleconference service providers charge by the minute. Some allow
unlimited members to participate while some charge for every extra member.

Advantages of teleconference

Teleconferencing can serve a lot of purpose for an organization. Following
are some of the main advantages:

* Teleconferencing provides access to far away locations
* Greater participation would mean more ideas and diverse point of views
* It would save time and travel cost
* An audio conference can be upgraded to a video conference by adding
desktop video conferencing systems.

An individual, who is appointed as the moderator, handles all the
conference call systems in the organization. That person makes preparatory
phone calls to all members and informs them of the agenda, the time of the
teleconference and should ensure that the conference is going along the
lines of the agenda.

Proper planning is essential in the successful implementation of a
teleconference. Every member should be aware of the main agenda and should
be provided adequate time to put forward their view.

Drawbacks of teleconferencing

Although it is a very beneficial setup for organizations, yet it is not
free from its set of drawbacks. Some of the major drawbacks are:

* It could get difficult to handle a large group of people, who are
trying to speak at the same time. Although a moderator is appointed,
yet it could get difficult for that person to handle such a large
* If a company is purchasing all the required audio conferencing
equipments, then the total cost of holding a teleconference can get a
little high
* Due to the coordination required between all members, holding a
teleconference can take a lot of time to organize.
* Teleconference eliminates the face to face conversation between
people, which we know is essential in conducting business efficiently.


Quick and Easy Meal of Crunchy Tilapia Strips, Homemade Potato Chips and a Salad in 30 Minutes

Family cooks are constantly looking for quick, easy, healthy, and
economical meals to serve their families. Whether the family cook is a
stay-at-home parent or a parent who works outside the home, today's
society puts many of us in a "harried or hurried" mode at least one or two
days a week. To help save your day, try this quick and easy menu that
features Crunchy Tilapia, potatoes, and a salad with a homemade creamy
Italian salad dressing.


1 lb tilapia, cut into 1 1/2-inch strips
1/2 cup milk
3/4 cup crushed corn flakes cereal
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 tsp garlic powder
fresh ground black pepper
1/4 tsp salt

Spray a foiled-lined baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray and set
aside. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Pour milk into a small shallow bowl. In another small shallow bowl,
combine the corn flakes, Parmesan cheese, garlic powder, black pepper, and
salt. Dip tilapia strips into the milk then dredge in the cornflake
mixture to coat. Lay on the prepared baking sheet and bake at 400 degrees
for 10 to 12 minutes or until fish is cooked through.


3 OR 4 small baking potatoes
2 tsp margarine, melted
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
Dash of black pepper

Preheat oven to 450 degrees.

Scrub potatoes and slice in thin slices. You should have about 2 cups of
sliced potatoes. Arrange slices in a thin layer in a lightly greased 15 x
10-inch baking pan. Brush with the melted margarine. Sprinkle the cheese
and pepper over potato slices. Bake, uncovered, in a 450 degree oven for
18 to 20 minutes or until the potatoes are brown and crisp.


Note: This recipe serves 8. The two above recipes serve 4. If you are
making a meal for 4, cut this recipe in half.

1 cup mayonnaise
1 carton (8-oz) dairy sour cream
2 green onions, chopped
2 tbsp vinegar
2 tsp sugar
1 tsp Italian seasoning
3/4 tsp celery salt
3/4 tsp dry mustard
1/4 tsp black pepper
1 clove garlic, minced
4 small heads Bibb lettuce
Milk, if needed

To make dressing: In a small mixing bowl, combine salad dressing or
mayonnaise, sour cream, onion, vinegar, sugar, Italian seasoning, celery
salt, dry mustard, garlic, and pepper. Using a wire whisk or rotary
beater, mix until smooth. Transfer dressing to a container with a lid,
cover and chill until serving time. Just before serving, cut each lettuce
head in half lengthwise. Arrange halves on a serving platter. If desired,
arrange some tiny tomatoes on the plate as a garnish. If dressing is too
thick, add a small amount of milk until of desired consistency. Pour
dressing over the salad.


Planets and Political Power

Raja yoga, supported by other beneficial astrological factors, confers
great political power (even amounting to despotism) on a native. Strength
of the Yogakaraka and Saturn helps a lot in this respect. The native
invariable loses power either by loss of life or being overthrown, during
the period of maraka.

ASTROLOGY suggests that a nation chooses the sort of government or leader
it needs in consistent with its national Karma. History does reveal
several obscure people suddenly finding themselves wielding power as
dictators, presidents and rulers, and also losing power with astonishing
abruptness. Political pandits have no rational explanation for such
happenings while according to astrology, creative or destructive political
careers depend upon certain Raja Yogas and Arishta Yogas. Periods of
crisis coincide with certain directional influences.

Here, the native assumed political power as soon as Saturn's Dasa
commenced. As lord of the 4th, Saturn is in the 9th aspected by Sun, the
lord of the 10th. Sun's aspect on Saturn has contributed to the strength
of Saturn as Yogakaraka. Saturn, the lord of the 4th has Parivartana with
the Moon, the lord of the 9th. Consistent with the nature of the
disposition of Saturn and the Sun, representing the people and aristocracy
respectively the native had no soft corner for the rich and the
privileged. As soon as he took over the control of his country, monarchy
and corruptive political parties made their exit. Totalitarian techniques
were of course employed. His loss of power was due to his own death in
Saturn-Rahu period. Rahu as the sub-lord in a maraka place, killed him.

Is that of a person who, as a minister, wielded considerable influence on
the rulers.Yogakaraka Mars and the Sun, who is neechabhanga aspecting the
10th, and the 10th from Chandra Lagna being occupied by two benefics,
conferred Raja Yoga during the Dasa of Mars. The fagend of Rahu Bhukti in
Rahu Dasa saw the native out of power. Mark the situation of Rahu in a
maraka place aspected both by Mars and Saturn. Mars as Yogakaraka enabled
Rahu to sustain the Raja Yoga for some time but Saturn as a maraka, dealt
a death-blow to the native. He lost power and was condemned and shot as a
war criminal.

Is that of a great leader, who fought for the independence of his country
from foreign rule and who, thanks to the stationing of Mars in the 7th,
became a dictator, grabbed the political power and was ultimately
over-thrown. Again in this case, the native began to taste the fruits of
power with the commencement of Saturn's dasa. Lord of the Ascendant,
Saturn aspected by yogakaraka Venus and Mercury, and occupying the
constellation of the Yogakaraka Venus in conjunction with Jupiter (lord of
the 2nd and the 11th), conferred Raja Yoga, which was effectively enjoyed
till the end of Rahu's sub-period, when he was deposed.
No dictator in any country wielding absolute power, has ever cared for the
common people his country. For a dictator, absolute power is the only