individuals at different locations. Through conference call systems, all
the members can get involved simultaneously and can have a conversation
with the other members. How does teleconference work
Conferencing phone, easily available in the market. An organization has to
carefully analyze the available teleconference technology to decide on the
one that best suits their requirements. If an organization is unable to
buy the costly audio conferencing equipments, they can subscribe to the
teleconference facilities provided by various telecom operators.
Organizations availing teleconference facility are provided with a phone
number which every person, who wants to join the conference, will have to
dial from their conferencing phone. They are also provided with two unique
PIN numbers. One is for the moderators, organizers, special guests and the
other is for rest of the participants.
Most teleconference service providers charge by the minute. Some allow
unlimited members to participate while some charge for every extra member.
Advantages of teleconference
Teleconferencing can serve a lot of purpose for an organization. Following
are some of the main advantages:
* Teleconferencing provides access to far away locations
* Greater participation would mean more ideas and diverse point of views
* It would save time and travel cost
* An audio conference can be upgraded to a video conference by adding
desktop video conferencing systems.
An individual, who is appointed as the moderator, handles all the
conference call systems in the organization. That person makes preparatory
phone calls to all members and informs them of the agenda, the time of the
teleconference and should ensure that the conference is going along the
lines of the agenda.
Proper planning is essential in the successful implementation of a
teleconference. Every member should be aware of the main agenda and should
be provided adequate time to put forward their view.
Drawbacks of teleconferencing
Although it is a very beneficial setup for organizations, yet it is not
free from its set of drawbacks. Some of the major drawbacks are:
* It could get difficult to handle a large group of people, who are
trying to speak at the same time. Although a moderator is appointed,
yet it could get difficult for that person to handle such a large
* If a company is purchasing all the required audio conferencing
equipments, then the total cost of holding a teleconference can get a
little high
* Due to the coordination required between all members, holding a
teleconference can take a lot of time to organize.
* Teleconference eliminates the face to face conversation between
people, which we know is essential in conducting business efficiently.