วันศุกร์ที่ 7 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

G.I. Joe The Rise Of Cobra Wii Game-A Lot Of Action

The Wii Really provides an excellent format for playing this game. Filled
with action just as with the movie, G.I. Joe The Rise of Cobra, brings to
life two of the 80s characters in this collaboration between the toy maker
Hasbro and Paramount pictures. Their first collaboration was Transformers
and that was such a big hit both on the big screen and in the gaming
community that they decided to give it a try again, hoping to produce
perhaps an even bigger hit than transformers.

Everyone is flocking to the theaters to see this action-packed movie with
lots of modern gadgets with a twist of humor that makes the film even a
bigger family hit. Now with the release of the movie to the big screen EA
games has released G.I. Joe The Rise of Cobra Wii Game, and honestly it is
full of action both in the hand to hand fighting sequences as well as in
the overall action of the characters. You can ride on top of vehicles and
jump from vehicle to vehicle all the time firing away while in pursuit of
your target.

As you would probably expect, G.I. Joe, together with his team have to
save us all from the Cobra team. On Joe's team there are 12 tough guys.
Duke and Gungo Ho are two of my personal favorites because I like the
weapons that they have to use. Each guy has different moves and weapons.
That helps you from getting bored really. Those bad Cobra guys are
wreaking all sorts of havoc and general chaos. They must be stopped.

The game also has its own unique storyline which varies somewhat from the
movie although the key moments from the film are still present. You have
the ability to unlock more Cobra players as you play which also makes the
game play more interesting and challenging. In two player mode you and a
friend can play together and can form your own G.I. Joe team and can
choose to call in select other players to help and support you.

This game is rated teen and is an exceptional game for all who play. The
graphics are great and there is a ton of action making this a game that
you will want to play for hours on end. It is a game that reels you in
and keeps you wanting more.


