gold? I already know how you feel about that, so let's move on. Fact of
the matter is, without a good cheap WoW gold guide you'll be left out in
the cold or like the endless lines of "suckers" out there who are still
paying for gold. So what should you look for in a WoW gold guide? Read on
to find out.
First thing to look for: if you don't even know of any gold guides to
check out yet, don't worry, we'll cover that soon. But, once you get a
list of gold guides you're interested in (and trust me, there are
plenty)-go and look for reviews or look around message boards to see if
anyone can tell you if it's worth the cash.
Second thing to look for: is this guide getting results? Is it something
you can use? WoW players are usually at different levels of
"experience"-i.e., some people are total newbies and others are pros, so
will the guide be easy to implement and get going? This is something you
want to keep in mind before you take the dive and grab a wow gold guide.
Third thing to look for: is it a print version of the book or a digital
guide? A lot of people like paying for something and receiving something
physical, but a digital guide is actually better most of the time. Do you
really want to go buy warcraft gold and find a book you can lose, thumb to
a certain page, spend time reading it, spend time putting it away when you
could just keep the digital guide open and alt + tab to it whenever you
need it? Everyone is different, so think about what you need.
If you don't want to spend all day looking to buy wow gold guide, I
already found it for you. Me and my friends have used this guide since the
very start and it's well worth the money and I highly recommend it (as a
fellow WoW player!) Go here to check it out: