วันจันทร์ที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Movie Download Websites Rock!

The entertainment options available to you today, right from the comfort
of your own home, are at a massive all time high. Whether your interests
are in music, video games or movies you can access an unimaginable choice
of material using your broadband internet connection. The latest growth
phenomenon in this area is the 'movie download websites' which is as the
name suggests, allows online access to a wide range of current movies (and
TV shows) which you can download, burn and watch on your home cinema

At last there is a real alternative to DVD rental or purchase.

So how does it work?

Simple, you become a member of a movie download website of your choice
(our recommendation based on value money and choice is in the signature
footer of this article) and you sign up for the package that meets your
preferences. When you next want to catch up on the latest movie or a TV
show you've missed, you use your super fast broadband connection to pull
the movie to the hard drive of your computer (make sure you have enough
free space available). Now you can either view the movie on your computer
or burn it onto CD. Most movie download websites provide movies in the
DivX format. This format retains the quality of image while keeping file
sizes to the manageable minimum.

Here's a quick checklist you should go through before you sign up to any
movie download websites:

-What format are the movies in? Is the format compatible with your DVD
player? If I were you I would only sign up if the movies are in DivX
format, otherwise you are going to spend a long time downloading the files
through your broadband connection.

-Does the site allow you to burn the movie onto CD (not DVD they're much
more expensive than CDs and you need a DVD burner rather than the standard
CD burner that most computers have).

-Does your site guarantee picture quality…the last thing you want is to be
watching your movie through a thick snow storm where you can hardly make
out the images.

-Are the movies provided legally with the full knowledge and approval of
the studios?

-Finally remember "there's no such thing as a free lunch" if the offer on
your movie download website looks too good to be true…it probably is.

Take advantage of this growing opportunity to sample movies you would
probably never rent or buy, in the comfort of your own home at minimal
costs. Don't rent another movie until you've checked out your movie
download options.

Happy viewing!


