วันศุกร์ที่ 7 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Fix the Xbox 360 3 Red Lights

Most avid gamers are fully aware of the infamous Red Ring of Death error
that presented itself to a great deal of Xbox 360 owners. Identified by
the sudden system failure and ominous set of three red lights on the
console, the Red Ring of Death is among the most notorious of system
errors to have plagued this console. For those who have fallen victim to
the devastating effects of this error, a number of different options were
available to fix the problem.

The most common, and oftentimes most frustrating, solution was to send the
entire console off to Microsoft. There were many downfalls with this
option, though. For the first few years after the console's release, this
error was not covered under warranty. When plagued by the numerous class
action lawsuits, however, Microsoft finally agreed to cover the error and
its effects under its three year warranty plan. So not only could you
potentially have to pay for them to fix it, should your warranty have
already expired, but you are also responsible for the costly shipping and
handling fees to have it delivered to and from Microsoft. Another downside
was that the company was found to only treat the symptoms of the error,
and would simply replace certain parts and send it back to you, giving you
but a few months' time before the error came up again.

Another way to repair your Xbox 360 is to take it to someone in your area
who does modifications and repairs on these systems. While this does tend
to be much faster than sending it off to Microsoft, you will have to pay
someone to do the work, whereas Microsoft would do it for free. Also, by
having someone else attempt to fix your console, you void its warranty.
This means you lose the option of sending it off Microsoft for repair in
the future.

The other, most preferred option for repairing your Xbox 360 is to do it
yourself with kits that are available for order online. These kits come
with easy to follow instructions and all the materials needed to fix this
problem. With the step-by-step guide, most people find it a quick and easy
solution with most gamers able to repair their system in well under an

Whatever your choice, make sure you weigh the pros and cons of your
decision before attempting to permanently turn off those three red lights.

